Sep 20, 2015

Thank you Sponsors and Donors!!

LUCOF Zimbabwe Fundraiser Dinner a Big Success

Mother & Baby
Category:Zimbabwe 2015 
Posted by: Ann

Mother and baby at riverWith the Seattle skyline as a backdrop, our 40 generous guests enjoyed a fabulous Macrina dinner and heard amazing stories from Kathy McCarty and Major Mereki, the indefatigable pair that run Chidamoyo Christian Hospital, and with whom we are partnering for this year's international service project.

We all learned more about the challenges of running a rurual hospital. With very little governmental assistance, Chidamoyo relies on donors and volunteers for 90% of their operating budget - about $10,000/month. Yet they treat over 8,000 people each month - that's $1.25 per patient! It is truly amazing how much they accomplish with so few resources. This New York Times video from 2012 shares some of the ways they they cleverly conserve and serve.

Many, many thanks to our generous donors and sponsors. Without you, we simply could not do this work.

Leslie Mackie & Macrina Bakery
Dinner & desserts

David Silverman

Southern Wine & Spirits of Washington

Georgetown Brewing Company

Jean Sullivan

College Club of Seattle

Thank you, all!